Almost every application uses secrets to access secured parts of the software landscape. I think that almost everyone can relate to me when I say that keeping secrets in config files with the rest of your code base is a very “easy” solution for keeping your secrets. A sentence that I have heared a lot when it comes to keeping secrets in your code base is:

‘Why not, the only persons that can access our code base is our team self.’

This was something that I told myself too, but keeping your secrets in configuration files doens’t only mean that they are stored in the repository. Deploying software means putting your code in a place where it can run including all the configuration files that are necesarry to run your software. So when you deploy software to a test, acceptance and production environment means three more places of where your secrets are stored.

Software that is deployed is vulnerable for hacking attempts and you can try as hard as you can, but hackers will eventually be able to access your environment and have access to all of your secrets. In this way, they immediatly have access to your database or other secured parts of your landscape.

There are many best practices that can prevent hackers to get access to your environment, but what if they get through en get access to your environment? Do you feel safe engough to keep your secrets lying around? In this blog I will tell you about the basics of secret management with Hashicorp Vault.

Secret management

In my opinion, a secret is everything that grants authentication or authorization for a user or application. So a secret can be somehting like a username/password, database credentials, API tokens or even TLS certificates.

If you ask me, managing secrets is hard. Managing secrets includes a few things. One of them is keeping track of who has access to which secret (Access control management). The second thing is that you should know who is using which secret (Audit trail). So in case of a security breach you can see who is responsible for the breach. The third part of secret management is to able to rotate a secret.

These management tasks come with ‘a few’ challenges. For example, one of the most obvious challenges is secret sprawl. This means that all your secrets are spread in your application landscape. A few places of which you can find your secrets is in your source code (hard coded), in configuration files and ultimately in your VCS (Version Control system like git). How do you keep track of where all your secrets are?

The second challenge is a consequence of secret sprawl, namely access control. Try to keep track of who has access to which secret if they are all spread accross your code base. For example, if you have a development team that can access your code base, the whole team has access to your secrets. Or if you have an ops guy that is in charge over your environments, he can access the secrets that are in the configuration files. In other words, there are most likely more people who have access to your secrets then you know. Beside knowing who has access to your secrets, it can also be very usefull to know who has used a secret. So you can find out what secret has been compromised and by who.

The third challenge has to do with secret rotation. It’s very common to change a secret once in a while. There can be different reasons why you should do that, for example if a secret gets compromised, or if a secret gets out dated. It’s very hard to rotate a secret that is hardcoded in the system or a secret that is spread across multiple applications. The change that you missed a secret in some hidden configuration file is always there.

Hashicorp vault

Hashicorp vault is, as the name says, a vault that serves as a centralized place to store your secrets. Vault uses a virtual file sytem, so every secret has its own path on which it can be accessed. All data that is stored will be encrypted. This means that data is encrypted at rest, as well as in transit.

Beside keeping your secrets safe, vault also provide an acces control layer (ACL). This means that you are able to create policies to which you can restrict the access for your secrets to who needs access. Vault operates on a secure by default standard, and as such, an empty policy grants no permissions in the system. Therefore policies must be created to govern the behavior of clients and instrument Role-based Access Control (RBAC) by specifiying access privileges (authorization).

All secrets that are used are accessed via vault, this means that vault can keep a detailed log of all requests and responses. Because every operation with vault is an request/response API, the audit log contains every authenticated interaction with vault including errors. It’s possible to enable multiple audit devices, vault will send the the audit logs to all the devices enabled. Each line in the audit log is a JSON object. There are currently two types of logs, request and response. The line contains all of the information for any given request and response. By default, all the sensitive information is first hashed before logged in the audit logs.

So, all secrets are centralized and secured in vault and are provided to applications via a request/response API. That should be enough, right? We keep track of everyone who access our secrets and they are at a centralized place. Eventhough your secrets are kept safe at rest and in transit doesn’t mean that they are forever uncompromised.

Vault is built knowing that applications usually do a terrible job in keeping secrets. Inevitably secrets will show up in a central log, diagnostic output or even external monitoring. Even though vault secures the secret and even encrypts it on the way to the application, the application isn’t trusted.

Dynamic secrets

In general, application do a terrible job at keeping secrets. Inevitably the application will log its credentials to standard out, which get shipped to something like Splunk, and anyone can see the secret. Perhaps the application will have an exception and shows the secret in a traceback or error report. In short, applications can’t be trusted with keeping there secrets secret.

That is where vaults second level capability comes in, dynamic secrets. Dynamic secrets are ephemeral secrets, which means that they are only valid for a certain amount of time. Lets say, an application uses a dynamic database password which is valid for ten days. The application has an exception which result in a log to standard out that contains the database password. After ten days, a hacker gets access to the logs of the application and sees the database password. As he tries to use it, to get access to the database, his authorization fails because the password is not valid anymore. Therefore the level of security of the database is much higher than using a static password.

Each application that uses a dynamic secrets gets its own unique secret. There are a few benefits the come hand in hand with using unique secret per application. The first one is that if a secret get compromised, you can immediatly trace it back to the application that has caused the leak. This allows the development team to investigate and solve security breaches faster, because they know what secret was compromised and to which service this secret was served.

The second benefit that comes with using unique secrets is that it’s much easier to do secret revocation. So lets say your database password gets compromised and you need to change it immediatly. If you’re using a static database password, then you have to change your password in every application that is connecting to the database using that exact password. But how can you be sure that you changed all passwords before revoking the compromised secret? The blast radius of a static password is much bigger because you have to be sure that all applications are using the new password. Vaults unique secrets solves this problem! Each application has its own secret that can be revoked individually.

I created a demo project where vault controles the secrets that are used by an application that connects to RabbitMQ. Just follow the readme and everything should be clear!


I hear a lot of you think, ‘wow, vault is cool! maybe we can store our encryption keys in there to keep them safe!’, and that can be done by using vault easily. But like I said earlier, vault doesn’t trust its users and for that reason they don’t encourage you to do the cryptography logic yourself in your application.

The idea of not trusting the application with doing cryptography correctly evolved in developing an Encrypt as a Service functionality in Vault. This service exposes a set of high level api’s that do cryptography with the functionalities that you expect: Encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify. This api needs you to create a set of named keys, just specify the name of the key and the rest is handled by Vault. These keys will be used to encrypt your data. So as a developer tell vault to encrypt data using HMAC with some named key you created first and the peace of data.

The cryptography implementation of vault is audited by Hashicorps own expert and is also audited by external expert, so they make sure that there implementation is correctly done. Using vault for your cryptography also offloads the keymanagement for your encryption to vault.

Vault’s architecture

Vault has a highly plugable architecture. This means that it has many pluggin mechanisms. Below you see a image that shows vault architecture.

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The core of the architecture is responsible for a few things like life cycle management and make sure that all request are processed correctly. Arround the core there are many extension points that allow a users to fit something in the vault environment.

The first one that is really important is the authentication backends. These allow vault to allow client to authenticate from different systems. For example, if you are using an EC2 VM then you can add the AWS authentication backend. With that backend vault can make use of aws’ notion of identity to prove that the caller is for example a web server. The goal of the authentication backends is to make use of an application we trust and use it to prove identity of the user. All authentication backends are providing a notion of identity of the caller to vault.

The auditing backend is used to output a trail of who has done what. So this output can be written to splunk for example. It’s possible to have multiple different audit trail backends with vault. So it’s possible to send the trail to splunk, but also to a system like syslog.

The storage backend is used to provide a plugin possibilty for a storage for vault. Vault itself is stateless and will always need some type of storage to keep its data secure at rest. For example if there is a new release of vault, all data would be gone if there is no storage backend. This can be a couple of different things like a standard RDBMS, a system like Consul or a cloud managed database. The goal of the storage is to provide durable storage that is highly available.

The biggest use of the secrets backend is to enable the use of dynamic secrets I talked about earlier. The simplest form of secret backend is key/value. These are static secrets like username and password. The coolest part of the secrets backend is the dynamic secret capability. There are different plugins that allow vault to create dynamic secrets for the backends that are connected.

I hope that I got you guys excited to get started with Vault. In my opinion, Vault is one of the best secret management tools that isn’t cloud native.